Fossil fuel subsidies in Pennsylvania reach staggering level

In 2012, PennFuture issued a report identifying fossil fuel tax credits in Pennsylvania totaling $2.9 billion, at the time roughly 10 percent of the state budget.

The environmental lobbying group has updated that report and the current dollar amount of tax incentives for the highly-profitable, mature fossil fuel industry continues to balloon at a time when the state faces a $1.5 billion budget shortfall and investment in emerging renewable energy industries are at fractional levels.

The new Senate looks to be no better than when Democrats were in charge, they note.

The new report will be released Tuesday, April 14th at 10 a.m at the PennFuture downtown office in Pittsburgh. In the briefing will be Rob Altenburg, director, PennFuture Energy Center, Evan Endres, program manager, PennFuture Energy Center, om Schuster, senior campaign representative, Sierra Club Beyond Coal Campaign, Mike Carnahan, general manager, Scalo Solar Solutions.